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Analysis of Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Housing Price Nearby Urban Rail Transit Based on Walking Isochron: A Case Study of Chongqing's Downtown Area



李继珍 重庆市规划设计研究院,自然资源部国土空间规划监测评估预警重点实验室,空间规划大数据应用重庆市工程研究中心工程师

黄芸璟 重庆市规划设计研究院,自然资源部国土空间规划监测评估预警重点实验室正高级工程师

易峥 重庆市规划设计研究院,自然资源部国土空间规划监测评估预警重点实验室,空间规划大数据应用重庆市工程研究中心正高级工程师


摘要 城市轨道交通的快速发展,对轨道站点周边住宅的价格产生一定影响。本文基于链家二手房成交数据,尝试提出一种基于步行等时线的城市轨道房的识别方法,从轨道房的成交量和成交均价两个维度,将轨道站点分为活跃区、富人区、一般区和存在感弱区站点,分析轨道房价格的时空分布特征。从时间演变特征来看,20162019 年,轨道房成交量逐年增加,价格在20162018 年逐年上涨,到2019年有微幅下跌;轨道房的价格高于非轨道房,两者差距在10% 以内且呈缩小趋势。从空间分布特征来看,在环线以内的核心区,轨道房交易更加活跃,价格较高的轨道房主要分布在中心城区北部近年发展较快的区域。

关键词 步行等时线;轨道房;时空特征分析;重庆中心城区


Abstract The rapid development of urban rail transit has a certain impact on the housing price around the rail station. Based on the transaction data of second-hand housing in Lianjia, a recognition method of urban rail transit housing based on walking isochron is proposed. Based on trading volume and price, the rail stations are divided into active area, rich area, general area and weak sense of existence area. This paper analyzes the temporal and spatial characteristics of housing price nearby rail transit. From the perspective of time evolution characteristics, from 2016 to 2019, the volume of houses nearby rail transit increased year by year, the price increased year by year from 2016 to 2018, and decreased slightly in 2019. The price of rail housing is higher than that of non-rail housing, and the gap between them is less than 10%. From the perspective of spatial distribution characteristics, houses nearby rail transit are more active in the loop line and the core area within the loop line, and the stations with higher prices are mainly distributed in the north of the central urban area, which has developed rapidly in recent years.

Keywords walking isochron; houses nearby rail transit; spatiotemporal characteristics; Chongqing's downtown area




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