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Evaluation and Reflection on the Protection of Historically and Culturally Significant Towns in the South of the Yangtze River: A Case Study of Lili



于莉 上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司规划四所总工程师,高级工程师


摘要 江南历史文化名镇经过多年保护,应进行系统全面的评估,以目标和问题为导向,反思如何更好地进行保护传承。本文以黎里古镇为例,参考后评估DPSIR 模型,从状态、影响、响应系统等方面构建更全面的保护实施评估体系,反思古镇的价值、目标、问题和发展驱动力。精细化保护古镇,对优势方面开展微更新,如利用、空间、交通等;对薄弱方面加强微管控和建立保护传承机制。同时,反思后评估DPSIR 模型用于保护实施评估的关键点,探讨其适用性、灵活度、动态性和研究方向。

关键词 DPSIR 模型;状态;影响;响应;精细化保护


Abstract After years of protection, Historically and Culturally Significant Towns in the south of the Yangtze River should be systematically reflected on how to better protect their heritage. Taking Lili as an example, referring to the DPSIR model of post-assessment, we can construct an assessment system of protection implementation from the state, impact and response system, and rethink the historical value and development orientation. Refine the protection of ancient towns, and carry out progressive renewal of advantages, such as utilization, space, transportation, etc. Strengthen controls and establish as a protection and inheritance mechanism for weak areas. The key points of DPSIR model post-assessment for protection are discussed, including its applicability, flexibility, dynamics and research direction.

Keywords DPSIR model; status; impact; response; refined protection




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