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The Past, Present and Future of Kaihsienkung: A Re-understanding of Peasant Life in China and the Values of Kaihsienkung



赵毅 江苏省规划设计集团江苏省城市规划设计研究院院长,研究员级高级城市规划师

黄丽君 江苏省规划设计集团江苏省城镇与乡村规划设计院有限公司乡建中心副主任,高级城乡规划师

秦振兴 江苏省规划设计集团江苏省城镇与乡村规划设计院有限公司规划师

王明惠 江苏省规划设计集团江苏省城镇与乡村规划设计院有限公司规划师


摘要 1936 年,费孝通先生在苏州吴江开弦弓村(江村)开展人类学田野调查时写就的《江村经济》一书,使江村受到全世界学者的关注,其窗口价值、样本价值、示范价值逐步显现。八十多年来,江村经历了城乡关系、产业发展、空间形态、交通方式等一系列变革。然而,盛名之下的江村仍面临着文化品牌价值尚未充分发挥、村庄三次产业发展未形成合力、生态环境和水乡特色遭受冲击、村庄建设发展受到土地空间制约等诸多挑战。本文基于对《江村经济》一书与江村价值的再认识,面向现代化和高质量、高水平实现乡村振兴的目标愿景,提出江村应当借助《江村经济》一书的影响力,以更强的使命担当认知江村价值,以更高的目标追求营建乡村聚落,以更深的三产融合振兴乡村产业,以更严的底线思维保育乡村生态,以更大的改革力度推动乡村治理,让早在20 世纪30 年代就已走出国门的江村,继续成为江南乡村甚至中国乡村的缩影,继续成为中国向全球展示乡村经济的一面旗帜,继续向世界展示社会主义现代化乡村的中国模样。



Abstract In 1936, Dr. Hsiao-Tung Fei conducted an anthropological field investigation in Kaihsienkung Village, Wujiang, Suzhou. Then, the book Peasant Life in China he wrote shocked the world. Since that time, Kaihsienkung had been concerned by scholars all over the world, and its window value, sample value and demonstration value gradually appeared. Over the past 85 years, Kaihsienkung has undergone a series of changes in urban-rural relations, industrial development, spatial form, transportation mode, etc. Despite the great reputation, the issues such as the value of the cultural brand has not been fully utilized, the development of the three industries of the village has not yet formed a synergy, the ecological environment and the characteristics of the water town have been impacted, and the development of the village is restricted by the land space, are becoming the crucial challenges that Kaihsienkung is now facing with. Based on the re-understanding of the value of Peasant Life in China and Kaihsienkung, this paper proposes that Kaihsienkung should take advantage of the influence of Peasant Life in China to realize the village revitalization under the vision of modernization and high-quality. The measures of recognizing the value of Kaihsienkung with a stronger mission, pursuing the construction of rural settlements with a higher goal, revitalizing the rural industry with a deeper integration of the tertiary industries, conserving the rural ecology with a stricter bottom-line thinking, and promoting rural governance with greater reforms should be taken. Hopefully, the Kaihsienkung, which had already gone abroad in the 1930s, epitome of the regions in the south of Yangtze River, and even of Chinese rural areas, as well as a flag to present Chinese rural economy to the globe, and show the world the Chinese appearance of a modern socialist village. 

Keywords Peasant Life in China ; the value of Kaisienkung; facing modernization; rural revitalization path




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