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竞争力与可持续发展导向下的城市远景战略规划探索—以武汉2049 远景发展战略研究为例

Exploration of Urban Long-Term Strategic Plan under the Guidance of Competitiveness and Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Wuhan 2049



郑德高  中国城市规划设计研究院副总规划师,上海分院院长,教授级高级城市规划师

孙   娟  中国城市规划设计研究院上海分院副院长,高级城市规划师

马   璇  中国城市规划设计研究院上海分院研究室主任

尹   俊  中国城市规划设计研究院城市规划师


摘   要:在国家要求城市全面转型发展的背景下,如何从一个更长远的视角审视城市并谋划其未来发展成为城市规划的重要命题。作为一种新的规划类型,武汉2049 远景发展战略着眼于城市“不能做什么、要做什么、怎么做”三大问题,在技术方法上强调竞争力和可持续发展两大核心线索,在规划理念上突出基于社区主导的、以人为核心的价值。竞争力维度重在从历史视角、区域视角、城市发展模式视角来审视武汉的城市规划,明确其未来发展的总目标与分阶段实施路径;可持续发展维度是从绿色、包容、便捷、活力、宜居等方面,突出城市规划以人为本的价值观,对新时期城市战略规划编制的范式具有广泛的讨论价值和借鉴意义。




Abstract :Looking at a city from a long-term perspective and planning for future development is an important proposition for many cities in the context of China's comprehensive transformation. As a new type of planning, “Wuhan 2049” focuses on three major issues of “What can't be done, what to do and how to do it”. The technical methods emphasize two core clues of competitiveness and sustainable development. The concept of planning highlights the core values of the community. The competitiveness dimension focuses on the overall goal and the phased path of the future development from the perspective of historical, regional and urban development model. The sustainable development dimension highlights the people-oriented values from the green, inclusive, convenient, energetic, livable city and other aspects. It’s a better form of arranging strategic planning in the new era, with great value of a wide range of discussion and reference significance.


Keywords:competitiveness,sustainable development,long-term strategic plan,Wuhan 2049


文章来源:《城乡规划》2017 NO.4



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