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Discussion on Design Method of Round-Town Forest Park Based on "Overall Development " :

A Case Study of Jiangyin Round-Town Forest Park



周   晓  江阴市城乡规划设计院副院长,高级规划师,注册规划师

赵庆宇 江阴市城乡规划设计院规划设计室主任,高级规划师,注册规划师


摘   要:环城森林公园因其环绕城市而具有“战线”长、面积大的特点。本文旨在通过江阴市环城森林公园的规划设计,从整体发展的思路出发, 探讨对三个不同层级的区域进行合理规划的方法,并提出不同的管理和控制措施,以达到统筹协调、功能复合、凸显城市特色的目的,最终解决环城森林公园规划设计普遍存在的功能相对单一、形态孤立、特色雷同等问题。




Abstract :Round-town forest park is a park of a long construction route and large area because it is around a city. Taking Jiangyin Round-Town Forest Park as an example, this paper, based on the concept of "Overall Development", aims to make the regional planning of three levels and put forward different management and control measures to achieve the overall coordination and functional compound of the city as well as highlight its urban characteristics. Thus, those universal problems in planning and design of a round-town forest park including single function, shape isolation, and similar characteristics can be avoided.


Keywords:round-town forest park, overall development, characteristics, control


文章来源:《城乡规划》2017 NO.4



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