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The Spatial Governance and Mechanism Innovation of State-Level Border Economic Cooperation Zone:

A Case Study of Jeminay Border Economic Cooperation Zone



陈卫杰 上海市浦东新区规划设计研究院副院长,高级工程师

罗   翔 上海市浦东新区规划设计研究院高级工程师(通讯作者)

赖志勇 上海市浦东新区规划设计研究院助理工程师


摘   要:国家级边境经济合作区是国家沿边开放城市发展边境贸易和加工出口的重要政策区域,主要分布于新疆、云南、吉林等边境省区。目前,在空间治理模式与发展机制上,“边合区”尚存在属地政府与管委会的权责利关系不明晰、管委会与开发公司分工不明确、开发公司投融资渠道有限等问题,导致开发建设进展缓慢。本文以新疆吉木乃“边合区”为例,分析其在空间治理模式与发展机制方面存在的问题,并结合浦东新区的先行先试经验,提出创新的解决思路和行动策略,包括创新管委会与属地政府权责利关系,强化开发公司作用,拓宽融资渠道,融合“边合区”、口岸等多元治理主体协同发展等。




Abstract :The State-level Border Economic Cooperation Zone is an important policy region for the border trade and export processing of the border cities,which is mainly distributed in border provinces such as Xinjiang, Yunnan and Jilin. In spatial governance and development mechanism, there are some problems, such as unclear relationship between the local government and the administrative committee, unclear division of labor between the management committee and development companies, limited investment and financing channels of development companies, which slow development and construction progress. Taking Jeminay Border Economic Cooperation Zone as an example, this paper analyzes its problems in spatial governance and development mechanism, combined with Pudong New Area's first pilot experience, puts forward innovative ideas and action strategies, including innovating the rights and interests of the management committee and the local government, strengthening the role of development companies, broadening the financing channels, and fusing the Border Economic Cooperation Zone and the port to realize the collaborative development.


Keywords:Border Economic Cooperation Zone, spatial governance, mechanism innovation, Jeminay County


文章来源:《城乡规划》2017 NO.4



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