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——以408 研究小组的两则实践案例为例

Practice and Reflection on Community Micro-regeneration under the Background of Innovative Social Governance:Two Practice Cases by 408UDR Lab



徐磊青  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授

宋海娜 上海同济城市规划设计研究院复兴规划设计所副所长,高级工程师

黄舒晴  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院研究生

黄健美  同济大学社会学系讲师


摘   要:文章讨论了创新社会治理背景下中国社区规划的现状、社区规划师制度的内涵和社区规划实践面临的挑战,并通过408 研究小组参与的两个上海社区微更新实践的案例,探索了政府、使用者、管理者及专业者四方在更新营造中的具体参与形式和运作机制,对社区规划中目标社区的现实情况和特异性进行探索,发现并提出了当下社区规划在微更新方面存在的问题和解决路径,为未来城市的社区规划和社区规划师的介入形式提供了参考策略和成功案例。


关键词:创新社会治理,社区微更新,408 研究小组,社区规划师


Abstract :Under the circumstance of innovative social governance in China, this paper discusses the status of community planning, the connotation of community planner’s rules and the challenges of community planning practice. The specific forms of participation and the mode of operation between government, space users,managers and professionals are also explored with the two practice cases of community microregeneration accomplished in 408 urban design research lab in Shanghai. This paper points out that community planners need to explore and change their plans according to the actual situation and specificity of the target community, and finds out the current disadvantages of the micro-regeneration as well as puts forward a solution, providing several strategies for community planners and the future urban community planning practices.


Keywords:innovative social governance, community micro-regeneration, 408UDR lab, community planner


文章来源:《城乡规划》2017 NO.4



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