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An Action Research of the Application of Sustainable Urban Community Development Indicators



王本壮 台湾联合大学建筑学系教授

蓝忻怡 台湾地区社区培力学会秘书长


摘   要:因应社会环境的发展趋势,可持续发展指标的建构,虽然能够让都会型小区居民与周遭的生活环境产生新的互动联系,有效地凝聚对生产、生态、生活的共识,但其实际应用重建了都会型小区中人与人、人与物、人与土地之间的和谐关系,成为推动都会型小区可持续发展的关键。本研究以典型都会型小区为对象,经过对其长达三年的行动研究,辅以参与式观察和深度访谈,探讨在小区居民日常生活中,如何有效地应用县市层级的可持续发展指标,以营造出可持续发展的都会型小区生活方式及与之相对应的、小区层级的可持续发展指标系统。本研究得出结论如下:(1)在营造都会型小区可持续发展的目标下,应用指标而产生的涟漪效应,会形成具有回馈效应的循环体系;(2)以具象且常见的“植物”作为推动都会型小区可持续发展的主体,来形成与塑造“化被动为主动”的、可持续发展的行为模式;(3)可持续发展指标的实际应用,会因为区域环境与居民属性的不同而有所差别,因此,必须因地制宜地改变指标的操作定义与计算方式。




Abstract :Responding to the development trend of social environment, the construction of sustainable development indicators, of course, makes the residents and the surrounding living environment create new interactive thinking, effectively condensing the consensus on production, ecology and life. However, the practical application of indicators of sustainable development is the relationship between people, between people and things, as well as the harmonious relationship between people and land, which is the key to promote the sustainable development of urban communities. Taking the typical urban community as an example, with three years of action research process, supplemented by participatory observation method and in-depth interview, this paper discusses how to effectively apply the sustainable development indicators of the county and city level to the daily life of the residents, to create a sustainable development of the city community life style and the relative sustainable development index system. The findings are as follows. First, applying the index to create the ripple effect of the sustainable development of the metropolis will form a circulative system with feedback benefit.Second, with the concrete and common "plant" as the main body of the promotion of the sustainable development of the community, "passive as active" behavior model of sustainable development can take shape. Third, the application of sustainable development indicators will vary according to the regional environment and the residents' attributes, thus leading to the need to change the operational definition and calculation of indicators to "adjust to local conditions".


Keywords:sustainable development indicators, urban communities, action research


文章来源:《城乡规划》2017 NO.4



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