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Factors Affecting Commute Happiness of Residents in Big Cities: A Case Study of Xi’an, China



朱   菁  西北大学陕西省地表系统与环境承载力重点实验室,西北大学城市与环境学院讲师

范颖玲  美国明尼苏达大学教授(通讯作者)

樊   帆  西北大学城市与环境学院本科生


摘   要国外已有研究表明,拥有较多正面情绪的人群,工作效率更高、创造力更强、更容易成功,同时,身体也更健康、寿命更长。通勤是大多数城市居民每日必须面对的一项出行活动,通勤幸福感的高低对于人们正面情绪的多少有着举足轻重的影响。本研究以2016 年在西安发放的771 份有效问卷为数据来源,运用有序Logistic 回归分析方法进行分析,发现在八种通勤模式中,班车的通勤幸福感最高,步行的通勤幸福感次之,公交车的通勤幸福感最低;私人自行车、公共自行车、电动车、地铁的通勤幸福感与私家车没有显著区别;通勤时间越长,通勤幸福感越低;工作地的土地利用混合度与通勤幸福感呈显著正相关;身体质量指数BMI 与通勤幸福感呈显著负相关;乐观、经常感到心情愉快的人通勤幸福感更高;年轻人(18< 年龄≤ 30)的通勤幸福感较低;男性的通勤幸福感高于女性。据此,研究提出了相应的政策建议,包括加大对城市步行和公交设施的投入、支持通勤班车运行、推进职住平衡、提高就业岗位集中地块的用地混合度等,从而提升城市居民的通勤幸福感。




Abstract :Studies abroad have shown that happiness is associated with greater productivity, creativity, career success, as well as better health and longevity. Commute happiness—happiness during commute—is an important component of general happiness for people who commute to work. To understand factors affecting commute happiness, a self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted by us in Xi’an of China in 2016. This survey involved 771 working adults with valid data. With ordered logistic regression, it is found that among the eight commute modes covered in the survey, employer-provided shuttle bus is associated with the highest level of commute happiness, followed by walking, while regular public bus is associated with the lowest  level of commute happiness. Longer commute duration is associated with lower commute happiness. The mixed use of land near the workplace has a positive association with commute happiness. BMI is associated with lower commute happiness. People who are optimistic and happy tend to have greater commute happiness. Young people (between 18 and 30) have lower commute happiness.Men’s commute happiness is higher than that of women. Recommendations for Chinese cities to promote happier commute include improving pedestrian and public bus facilities, promoting employer-provided shuttle bus programs, strengthening job-housing balance, and increasing land use mix at employment centers.



Keywordscommute happiness, commute mode, commute duration, shuttle bus, land use mix


文章来源:《城乡规划》2018 NO.3



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