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Practice of the Strategic Guidance and Implementation-Oriented City Betterment and Ecological Restoration Planning: A Case Study of Kaifeng



高颖  开封市自然资源和规划局总规划师

葛岩  上海市城市规划设计研究院城市设计研究中心总工程师,高级工程师,同济大学博士研究生(通讯作者)

胡浩  上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司高级工程师

祁艳  上海市城市规划设计研究院城市设计研究中心工程师

严涵  上海市城市规划设计研究院城市设计研究中心工程师


摘要  在“城市双修”工作全国范围内持续推进的背景之下,本文对“城市双修” 规划成果内容及与现有规划体系的关系进行了梳理。在此基础上,结合开封市“城市双修”规划实践,对项目的逻辑思路、问题研判、精准施策及实施落地等方面进行了总结,探讨了与上位、下位规划紧密衔接的“城市双修”规划编制方法,以期为其他“城市双修”规划编制提供一定参考。


关键词  城市双修,战略指引,行动落实,开封市


Abstract  This paper discusses the results of City Betterment and Ecological Restoration Planning, and its relation with the current statutory planning system in  the context of its continuous advancement. On this basis, combined with the experience of Kaifeng, this paper summarizes the logical thinking, problem research and judgment, precise implementation measures and implementation landing of the project, and discusses the compilation method of City Betterment and Ecological Restoration Planning that links up the upper and lower levels of planning. It is expected to provide a reference for other cities.


Keywords City Betterment and Ecological Restoration, strategic guidance, implementation-oriented, Kaifeng


来源:《城乡规划》2019  NO.3



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