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中部城市的空间再生产与场所提升— 以武汉“楚河汉街”为例

Spatial Reproduction and Place Promotion in Central China: A Case Study of Chu Milky Street of Wuhan



李志刚  武汉大学城市设计学院院长、教授,中国城市规划学会理事,中国地理学会城市地理专业委员会副主任

孙雅洁  代尔夫特理工大学景观建筑系硕士研究生

林赛南  武汉大学城市设计学院副教授、副研究员(通讯作者)

郭炎  武汉大学城市设计学院副教授


摘要  伴随发展的转型升级,中国城市规划工作的重心由增量空间转向存量空间,关于北京、上海、广州、深圳等地的研究很多,而对中部地区如武汉等城市的关注不够。本文聚焦武汉“楚河汉街”这一典型案例,研究其由衰败的“厂区” 转型提升为繁华“商街”的空间再生产过程,展现其空间再生产与场所提升的模式、机制与效应。研究表明,“楚河汉街”的空间再生产和场所提升实现了原有衰败城市空间的经济活化,明晰了产权关系,改善了原住户的生活质量,取得了多维度的治理成效。“楚河汉街”空间再生产的推力并非单纯的市场力量,还包含地方政府的深度介入、城市发展的特定历史要求以及基层社会的现实需要,它们共同构成评价空间再生产及其效应的必要视角。


关键词  旧城改造,空间生产,空间治理,楚河汉街,武汉


Abstract  With the transformation and upgrading of development, the focus of China's urban planning work has shifted from incremental space to stock space. There are many studies on Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places, but insufficient attention is paid to cities in central regions such as Wuhan. This paper focuses on the typical case of Chu Milky Street of Wuhan City, to examine its modalities and resultant effects of place promotion. As a typical urban renewal project, the Street is redeveloped from the shrinking factorial zone of Wuhan to a prospering urban center. This study reveals that the spatial reproduction of “Chu Milky Street” is closely related to Wuhan overall industrial upgrading and spatial reconfiguration. Our findings indicate that the making of the Street revived shrinking urban space, re-organized the property rights, and improved the original residents’ quality of life, which has achieved great success in multi-dimensions. Market force is not the only key driver underlying its successful place promotion, while the intervention of the local government, the specific urban development stage, as well as the needs of grassroots society all together constitute necessary perspective for evaluating spatial reproduction and its effects.


Keywords  urban redevelopment, spatial production, spatial governance, Chu Milky Street, Wuhan


来源:《城乡规划》2019 NO.2




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