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Cases Study on International Sponge City Planning



丁一  上海市城市规划设计研究院工程师


摘要 本文以纽约、墨尔本、东京和新加坡这四个在海绵城市规划领域具有先进理念和成功实践的国际城市为研究对象。对纽约绿色基础设施建设、墨尔本水敏感性城市设计、东京强降雨应对策略和新加坡 ABC 水计划的理念和实践情况进行整理和分析,指出这些城市在海绵城市建设过程中,如何以低影响开发作为核心理念,因地制宜地根据各个城市的实际需求提出不同的建设侧重点。本文希望通过对海绵城市规划国际经验的总结,对当前我国海绵城市的规划和建设提供一定的经验借鉴。


关键词  海绵城市规划,国际城市,经验借鉴


Abstract  This paper reviews the projects and practices of sponge city planning in 4 international cities (countries), New York, Melbourne, Tokyo, and Singapore. Firstly, this paper introduces and analyzes advantages of the projects and practices , which include Green Infrastructure Program in New York, Water Sensitive City Design in Melbourne, Stormewater Control Meatures in Tokyo, and ABC Waters Programme in Singapore. Then it summaries that low influence development is a key content in these four cities (countries), and that each city takes different emphasis in sponge city planning and construction according to its status and desire. On this basis, this paper is expected to provide reference for the planning and construction of the current sponge city in China.


Keywords  sponge city planning, international cities, experience


来源:《城乡规划》2019 NO.2



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