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Practice Review and Adaptive Control of Urban Design Planning Code



王世福  华南理工大学建筑学院教授,亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室

徐  妍  华南理工大学建筑学院硕士研究生


摘要  从管控城市开发的角度看,城市设计大致经历了三个阶段:转译成控制性详细规划指标、城市设计导则和城市设计图则。城市设计图则是近年来实现城市设计法定化管控的重要探索,能进一步加强城市设计的可实施性,但是目前其面临着技术形式化与城市设计管控刚性与弹性界线模糊等实施方面的问题。本文通过选取具有代表性的城市设计管控实践案例,从城市设计图则的管控要素、导控力度和实施效果三个方面,探讨如何通过城市设计图则更好地落实城市设计意图和保障城市空间品质。本文提出适应性原则下的城市设计管控实施建议,以适应不同地区、不同管控力度的城市设计图则编制;指出“守住底线是基础,追求高线是目标”,只有这样才能够切实地发挥城市设计图则对规划建设的指导作用;同时鼓励不同地区结合城市特色和管控实践进行城市设计图则的创新性编制,从而实现以更高品质的城市空间为根本目标的城市设计工作的价值。


关键词 城市设计图则,实践,管控,适应性


Abstract From the view of regulatory urban development, urban design has undergone three stages: translation into control regulations, urban design guideline, and urban design planning code. As an important exploration to realize the goal of statutory control of urban design, urban design planning code can further strengthen urban design implementation, but it is faced with such problems as technical formalization and rigid and elastic ambiguity of urban design control. Through case studying, this paper discusses how to better realize the urban design intention and guarantee the urban space quality from three aspects: the control elements of urban design planning code, guiding control intensity and implementation effect. Suggestions on urban design control implementation are proposed for the urban design planning code drafting preparation with different control forces in different regions. It is pointed out that keeping the bottom line is the foundation and pursuing the high line is the goal. Only in this way can the guiding role of urban design planning code be brought into full play. Meanwhile, different regions are encouraged to combine urban characteristics and practices to make innovative drafting of urban design planning code, so as to realize the value of urban design work with higher quality urban space as the fundamental goal.


Keywords urban design planning code, practice, control, adaptability


来源:《城乡规划》2020 NO.5



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