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国土空间规划与生态文明——9 月 29 日“全国国土空间规划修编工作视频会议”有感

Territorial Spatial Planning and Ecological Civilization: Reflections on "Video Conference on the Revision of Territorial Spatial Planning" Held on September 29



陈秉钊  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授,《城乡规划》杂志主编


【编者按】9 月 29 日,自然资源部组织召开市级国土空间规划编制工作视频会议,时任自然资源部总规划师的庄少勤副部长出席并发表讲话,《城乡规划》杂志社负责同志应邀出席了主会场。会后,本刊主编陈秉钊即时完成《国土空间规划与生态文明》一文,作为对此次会议的响应。








摘要  空间规划始于“一五”有计划地建设社会主义,由于当时仅关注城市的空间规划,在土地财政的驱动下,耕地被大量占用。为了保护耕地,我国开始编制土地利用规划,随后伴随国家战略部署出台了主体功能区规划,于是出现了多类空间规划并存、互不一致的局面。经过多年的“多规合一”试点,中央决定组建自然资源部,统抓空间规划,并形成“五级三类”的国土空间规划体系。生态文明建设新时代的国土空间规划面临着五大问题和十个方面的挑战。国土空间规划首先应以人民为中心。人是有感知的,要让人民有获得感、幸福感、安全感、归属感;人的诉求是多样的,因此规划要“优先大众,兼顾小众”。中国城镇化存在两极化发展的特征,即特大城市与小县城会持续增长,而中国人口总量将持续下降。因此,中国城镇精明增长与精明收缩将并存,两者都将以质量为考量。当前,经济发展的根本动力是科技创新,城市是科技创新的主要载体,建设创新型城市是规划的新使命,而创新的根本在于人才,人才的竞争说到底是城市品质的竞争。要使规划能用、管用、好用,必须研究相关政策与措施,例如禁“本”不禁“标”、人地挂钩、保证资源增值、同步增加耕地等。规划要从编制向管理延伸,实现规划实施全生命周期的管控,同时注意谋断分离,建立科学、民主的决策机制。


关键词 国土空间规划,生态文明新时代,以人为本,高质量发展,科学治理


Abstract Spatial planning started from the “first five-year plan” to build socialism in a planned way. Because at that time almost all attentions were paid to the spatial planning of cities, a large amount of cultivated land was occupied driven by land finance. In order to protect cultivated land, land use planning began to be worked out. Considering that the spatial planning should be on the basis of national strategic deployment, thereafter the planning for development priority zone plan was issued, forming a situation of many kinds of spatial planning coexisting without being consistent. After years of trials of replacing multiple plans for local development with one master plan, the central government decided to establish the Ministry of Natural Resources responsible for spatial planning and form territorial spatial planning system consisting of five levels and three categories. The fundamental purpose of spatial planning is to implement the Party’s Central Committee’s policy of “giving priority to conservation, protection and natural restoration” and open a new era of ecological civilization construction. Territorial spatial planning is faced with five major problems and ten challenges. People are sentient. We need to give people a sense of gain, happiness, security and belonging. People’s demands are diverse. Planning therefore should give priority to the public as well as consideration to the minority. Urbanization in China is characterized by two poles: megacities and small counties will continue to grow. Nevertheless, China's population will decline. Thus, smart growth and smart contraction in China's cities and towns will go hand in hand, and both will focus on quality. At present, the fundamental driving force of economy is scientific and technological innovation, and cities are the main carrier of scientific and technological innovation. The construction of innovative cities is the new mission of planning. The essence of innovation lies in talents, and the competition of talents is the competition of city quality. Policies and measures must be studied so as to make the planning useful, effective and useful. For example, addressing both symptoms and root causes, solving the contradiction between man and land, ensuring the value of resources, simultaneously increasing arable land. The planning should extend from compilation to management to realize the control of the whole life cycle of planning and implementation, and to establish a scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism.


Keywords territorial spatial planning, new era of ecological civilization, people-oriented, high-quality development, scientific administration


来源:《城乡规划》2020 NO.5



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