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Research on Method of Built Area Designation in Planning Administration: A Case Study on Changchun City



李宝山  长春市城乡规划设计研究院工程师

栾立欣  长春市城乡规划设计研究院院长,高级工程师

刘  学  长春市城乡规划设计研究院空间规划研究部部长,副高级工程师

刘  聪  长春市城乡规划设计研究院助理工程师

闫士忠  长春市城乡规划设计研究院工程师


摘要   建成区是进行城乡考核评估、制定城乡发展政策的重要依据,是开展城市规划管理的基本前提。本文通过理论研究与案例解读相结合的方式,对建成区概念和划定方法进行了系统梳理,并在解析建成区概念、比较分析建成区划定方法的基础上,以长春市区为研究对象进行建成区划定实践,探讨了该方法在国家规划体制机制改革背景下的新应用,最后提出制定建成区划定技术指南、加强基础数据建设、深化建成区分析、开展建成区优化等建议。


关键词  建成区,概念界定,划定方法


Abstract  The built area is an important basis for urban and rural assessment and development policy formulation as well as the basic premise for urban planning and administration. In this paper, through the combination of theoretical research and case interpretation, the concept and designation method of the built area are systematically analyzed. Based on the analysis of the concept of the built area and the comparative analysis of the designation methods, the practice of the designation of the built area is carried out in Changchun City. This paper discusses the new application of the method under the background of national planning system and mechanism reform. Based on the aforementioned analysis, some suggestions are put forward, including developing technical guidelines for built area, strengthening the construction of basic data, deepening the analysis of built area, and carrying out the optimization of built area.


Keywords  built area, concept definition, method of designation


来源:《城乡规划》2020 NO.4



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