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Shaping High Quality Urban Space through Scientific Organizing and Planning Leading: Several Actual Cases of Urban and Rural Planning Administration



张  弨  南京市规划和自然资源局栖霞分局局长 

陈敬仁  南京市规划和自然资源局栖霞分局副局长

吴守明  南京市规划和自然资源局栖霞分局四级调研员,迈皋桥地区环境综合整治指挥部办公室副主任

刘欣嵘  南京市规划和自然资源局栖霞分局三级主任科员


摘要  本文从规划管理存在的问题入手,以实际工作中的若干案例为例,提出规划管理从粗放式管制走向精细化管理、从单一被动规划走向综合主动谋划、从多头分散管理走向统一协调管理的具体做法,并从规划管理的角色转变、观念转变和方式转变三个方面,总结出通过规划引领、科学统筹,保障城市综合效益、优化城市空间品质的工作思路。


关键词  规划管理,精细化,科学统筹


Abstract  Beginning with several actual cases of urban and rural planning management, this paper studies several problems of urban planning management, and proposes specific working means from extensive control to fine governance, from single passive planning to comprehensive active planning, from multiple management to unified and coordinated management. From the three aspects of role change, concept change and mode change of planning management, this paper summarizes the working idea of guaranteeing the comprehensive benefits of the city and optimizing the quality of urban space through leading planning and scientific organizing.


Keywords  planning management, fine management, scientific organizing


来源:《城乡规划》2020 NO.4



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