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Research on Suitability Evaluation Index System of Normal and Epidemic Space Conversion Facing Public Health Emergency



王欣宜  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生

汤宇卿  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院副教授


摘要  2019 新冠(COVID-19)疫情,是一次由严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2(SARS-CoV-2)所引发的全球大流行疫情。在疫情严重的城市,原有的传染病医院等防疫医疗空间瞬时短缺,需要快速将其他合适的空间转换为防疫医疗空间,服务于抗疫工作。以武汉市为例,部分体育场所、会展设施、宾馆、培训中心、空置厂房等空间进行了临时转换,除此之外,还有哪些空间可以转换?上述空间转换的优先级如何界定?有无评价标准?本论文针对这些问题,在城市全空间、全资源评价的基础上,从转换空间规模、可操作性、实施效率、运营效果、周边影响、交通组织、设施配套、疫后复原八个方面展开研究,初步构建平疫空间转换适宜性评价指标体系;同时提出结合第三次全国国土空间调查成果,落实不同层级转换空间的规模与布局,编制城市平疫空间转换规划的设想,服务于平疫空间转换的科学实施,丰富和完善城市综合防灾规划,实现韧性城市的规划目标。


关键词  突发公共卫生事件,平疫空间转换,适宜性评价,指标体系,韧性城市


Abstract  The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic is a global pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). In cities with severe epidemics, there is an instant shortage of original epidemic prevention hospitals and other epidemic prevention medical spaces. It is necessary to quickly convert other suitable spaces into such spaces to serve anti-epidemic work. Take Wuhan City as an example. Some gymnasiums, exhibition facilities, hotels, training centers and vacant factories have been temporarily converted. In addition, what other spaces can be converted? What is the priority of the above space conversion? Are there any evaluation criteria? To solve these problems, based on the evaluation of the entire space and resources of the cities, this article tries to conduct researches within 8 aspects which are transformation space scale, maneuverability, implementation efficiency, operational effectiveness, surrounding influence, traffic organization, supporting facilities and post-epidemic rehabilitation. Therefore, suitability evaluation index system of normal and epidemic space conversion is preliminarily established. The implementation of the scale and layout of different levels of conversion spaces and the formulation of the urban normal and epidemic spaces conversion plan will be conceived in combination with the results of the third national land survey. Thus, the normal and epidemic space conversion will be scientifically implemented, the urban comprehensive disaster prevention plan will be enriched and improved and the planning goals of resilient cities will also be achieved.


Keywords  public health emergency, normal and epidemic space conversion, suitability evaluation, index system, resilient city


来源:《城乡规划》2020 NO.4



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