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Discussion on Practical Village Planning Strategy under Territorial Space Planning System


华乐 上海同异城市设计有限公司城市设计所所长,中级工程师


摘要 当前我国正处于国土空间规划体系变革的关键时期,社会各界普遍认识到乡村地区村庄规划建设的意义重大,具有紧迫性,事关乡村振兴和全面建成小康社会目标能否实现。本文通过梳理我国村庄规划的发展历程、总结新时代村庄规划的内涵要义、剖析当前村庄规划面临的问题,基于多规合一的规划编制技术以及国土空间规划体系的约束,结合笔者在江西省省级试点村庄规划的编制实践与思考,从全域管控、村庄建设两个维度,探索可复制、可推广的实用性村庄规划的策略与方法。

关键词 村庄规划,多规合一,实用性,策略与方法,省级试点


Abstract At present, our country is in a critical period of reforming the territorial and spatial planning system. All walks of life generally recognize that the planning and construction of villages in rural areas is of great significance and urgency. It is related to whether the goal of rural revitalization and the building of a well-off society can be achieved. This paper combs through the development process of village planning in our country, summarizes the connotation of village planning in the new era, analyzes the problems faced by current village planning, and combines the author based on the multi-plan integration planning technology and the constraints of the territorial and spatial planning system. In the preparation practice and thinking of the provincial pilot village planning in Jiangxi Province, the strategy and method of practical village planning that can be replicated and promoted are explored from the two dimensions of global management and control and village construction.

Keywords village planning, multi-rule integration, practicality, strategies and methods, provincial pilot


来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.1/2


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