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Analysis on the Construction of Jiaxing Historical and Cultural City from the Perspective of Red Culture



沈伟 嘉兴市住房和城乡建设局副局长

赵超 北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司遗产保护与城乡发展研究中心项目经理

霍晓卫 北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司副院长(通讯作者)

朱斌 嘉兴市住房和城乡建设局科技设计处处长

张颖敏 嘉兴市规划设计研究院有限公司规划研究院副院长


摘要 嘉兴历史文化名城的红色文化建设,是提升城市文化软实力以及城市竞争力的重要路径。以嘉兴南湖中共一大会址为代表的革命文物遗迹,是体现中国共产党百年以来革命奋斗精神和顽强意志的优秀代表之一。本文通过分析嘉兴红色文化的时代内涵,结合嘉兴重走一大路系列实施项目,总结并提炼出红色文化对于嘉兴历史文化名城建设的意义和作用;从红色文化资源角度,为嘉兴名城建设提出工作原则、思路、目标和实施机制的建议,从而进一步提升红色文化在嘉兴历史文化名城建设中的影响力。

关键词 红色文化;红船精神;革命文物遗迹;嘉兴历史文化名城;文化遗产保护


Abstract Construction of the Red Culture in Jiaxing historic city is an important method to enhance the soft power of the city's culture and its competitiveness. The revolutionary cultural relics, represented by “sites of the First Session of National Congress of the Communist Party of China” in South Lake, Jiaxing city, are one of the outstanding representatives of the revolutionary spirit and tenacious will of the Communist Party of China over the past century. Firstly, this paper analyzed the connotation of Jiaxing's Red Culture in the new era. Secondly, combined with serial works of “Follow the Road of the First Session of National Congress of the CPC” in Jiaxing city, this paper summarized and extracted the significance and role of Red Culture in the construction of Jiaxing historic city. Finally, working principles, ideas, goals and implementation mechanisms were put forward for Jiaxing City from the perspective of Red Cultural Resources exploration, so as to enhance the influence of the Red Culture in the construction of Jiaxing historic city.

Keywords Red Culture; Red Boat Sprit; revolutionary cultural relics; Jiaxing historic city; conservation of cultural heritage


来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.3


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