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To the Mid-stream: Youth Conversation by Writing on Territorial Spatial Planning


王伟 岳文泽 吴燕 唐燕 黄玫 张磊 许景权 徐勤政 何子张 丁奇 谭迎辉 刘合林 车乐 邵华 林永新 纪立虎 席广亮 陈鸿 相欣奕 牛强 罗亚 史文正 郭健 刘芳 伍灵晶 陈宏胜 张杨


摘要 “构建以空间治理和空间结构优化为主要内容,全国统一、相互衔接、分级管理的空间规划体系,着力解决空间性规划重叠冲突、部门职责交叉重复、地方规划朝令夕改等问题”是生态文明体制改革的重要目标之一。然而本轮规划改革恰逢中华民族伟大复兴战略全局与世界百年未有之大变局的历史性交汇,使其面临更多挑战。若孤立、静止、片面地看,容易只见危机和变局,不见新机和新局,难免陷入迷茫、悲观之中而无所作为;若全面、辩证、长远地看,就会发现“危”和“机”总是同生并存的,危机孕育着新机,变局预示着新局。因此,实现国土空间规划改革目标,迫切需要一套“连续、稳定、转换、创新”的规划知识供给体系和工作支撑体系,而这套体系应是一个多学科、多领域相互开放、协同,不断发展演进的适应“生态文明新时代和空间治理现代化”的体系。为此,组织来自不同机构、不同学科、不同地域背景的中青年学者围绕国土空间整体性治理议题从不同维度、视角和切入点聚焦规划工作的价值观念、主要原则和理论技术等核心问题,展开观点性讨论交流,以期助力国土空间规划改革共识的凝聚和任务的推进。

关键词 国土空间规划;改革;整体性治理;多学科


Abstract The construction of spatial governance and optimization of spatial structure as the main content, national unity, interconnection, hierarchical management of spatial planning system, focus on solving the spatial planning overlap and conflict, cross-departmental responsibilities and duplication, local planning change overnight and so on is one of the important goals of the reform of ecological civilization system. However, the current round of planning reform coincides with the historic intersection of the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes that the world has not seen in a century, which makes it face more challenges. If we consider this issue in an isolated, static and one-sided way, it is easy to see only the crisis and changes, but not new opportunities and new situations, and inevitably fall into confusion, pessimism and inaction. On the other hand, if we consider this issue comprehensively, dialectically and in the long term, we will find that danger and opportunity always coexist, crisis breeds new opportunities, and changes foreshadow new situations. Therefore, to achieve the goal of territorial spatial planning reform, a continuous, stable, transformative and innovative planning knowledge supply system and work support system is urgently needed. This system should be a multidisciplinary and multi-disciplinary open, synergistic, and evolving system that adapts to the new era of ecological civilization and modernization of spatial governance. In order to achieve this goal, we organize young and middle-aged scholars from different disciplines, different institutions and different geographical backgrounds to focus on the core issues of values, main principles and theoretical techniques of planning work from different dimensions, perspectives and cut-offs, and to discuss and exchange views in this way, so as to help the consensus of national spatial planning reform and the promotion of the task.

Keywords territorial spatial planning; reform; holistic governance; multidisciplinary

来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.6


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