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Efficiency and Equality of Construction Land’s Utilization in National Spatial Planning



朱介鸣 同济大学城市规划系特聘教授


摘要 本文研究的目的是探讨国土空间规划中建设用地利用的效率与公平问题,采用土地地租、土地产权、土地寻租和租值耗散等概念来研究上述土地利用的两大问题。20 世纪 80 年代以后,三种不同的产权制度同时存在,即增量土地市场出让制、存量土地行政划拨制和乡村土地集体所有制。三种制度下的土地交易产生了土地寻租和土地租值耗散。研究提出必须完善建设用地市场机制和均衡分配建设用地指标措施,阻止土地寻租和租值耗散。在此基础上,进一步提出国土空间规划增量建设用地指标分配的建议,以及对城市存量建设用地进行改造时为保障土地增值或减值的效率与公平所应采取的措施。国土空间规划中建设用地指标利用的效率与公平,是可持续城市化不可忽视的重大因素。

关键词 土地租金;土地产权;土地寻租;租值耗散;建设用地利用效率;建设用地利用公平

A b s t r a c t  This paper aims at two paramount issues in relation to construction land, which are land use efficiency and land use equality. The research deals with the two issues by engaging the concepts of land rent, land rights, land rent-seeking and land rent dissipation. Land rent and its appreciation have always been a critical matter in the land economics. Henry George believes that the economic value derived from land should belong equally to all members of society, and Joseph Stiglitz proves that land rent increase is due to the development of infrastructure and facility. During the economic transition, China has three systems of land rights co-existing, i.e. urban land leasehold, administratively-allocated land free of charge before 1988 when land leasehold was intended, and collective ownership of rural land. Land rent seeking and land rent dissipation are observed in interactions between land right systems. Therefore, economic efficiency and social equality of construction land use need to be established for the incoming new regime of spatial planning. In addition, it is recommended that new quota of construction land should be equally allocated to those rural people to be urbanized and increased land rent (betterment) derived from existing construction land stock should be used to compensate for land rent loss (worsenment).

Keywords  land rent; land rights; land rent seeking; land rent dissipation; economic efficiency of land use; social equality in land use

来源:《城乡规划》2022 NO.2


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