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Research on the Protection Strategies of Naxi Traditional Communities Based on the Theory of Cluster Form: Taking Bahe Community in Lijiang City as an Example



赵万民 重庆大学建筑城规学院教授

廉子瀚 重庆大学建筑城规学院硕士研究生

孙爱庐 重庆工商大学公共管理学院讲师

朱柯睿 重庆大学建筑城规学院硕士研究生


摘要 “簇群”是纳西族传统社区在地域文化与自然环境的共同作用下表现出的形态特征。文章基于“簇群”形态的理论,梳理纳西族传统社区在人居环境发展中形成的“簇群”形态的空间构成关系与人群社会网络,并以丽江市八河社区为例,针对该社区的现存问题,提出标志性空间复活、街巷网络修复、院落营建复兴及“化賩”单元复愈的保护策略,以多层级公共空间塑造多层次社会网络,同时通过质空间与社会网络两个层面“簇群”的耦合,实现空间愈合、生活复兴的保护目标。

关键词 “簇群”形态;纳西族传统社区;人居环境;化賩;保护策略


Abstract The cluster is a form feature embodied by the combined effect of theregional culture and natural environment in the Naxi ethnic settlement environment. This paper follows the related theoretical research on cluster form, and sorts out the spatial composition relationship and social network formed in the human settlement environment of Naxi traditional communities. Taking the Bahe community of Lijiang City as an example, based on the current problems, this article puts forward the protection strategies of the Bahe community, namely, activating the sign places, repairing the network of streets and lanes, reviving courtyards' construction, and renewing Huacong units. Through forming a composite cluster form of the material space and social network in the Naxi community, the protection goals of space healing and life revival will be realized.

Keywords cluster form; Naxi traditional communities; human settlement environment; Huacong; protection strategies




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