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Research on the Carrying Efficiency of Construction Land Based on Data Mining:

A Case Study on the Pearl River Delta



徐高峰  清华大学建筑学院博士研究生

赵渺希  华南理工大学建筑学院/ 亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室副教授,博士

李欣建  澳大利亚科廷大学土木工程系博士研究生


摘   要:在城镇化过程中,提升建设用地的承载效率是城市与区域可持续发展的关键议题。本研究试图以数据挖掘的方式,获取城市建成区居住、产业、休闲等各类行为的活动强度特征,实现建设用地的承载效率测度。研究以珠三角城市群作为实证案例,选取企业数据、电商网购数据和新浪微博数据为基础数据,在此基础上进行地址解析,并与建设用地数据叠合,探索珠三角地区建设用地的承载效率。实证研究包括两个部分:一是计算城市分项活动的绝对活动强度,通过数据挖掘和地址解析,对产业、居住、休闲等三类行为的活动强度进行测度;二是在此基础上,通过层次分析法和熵权法综合赋权,对建设用地中三类活动的承载强度指标进行权重计算,形成建设用地承载效率的综合评定。研究结果显示,深圳、东莞、佛山等城市的建设用地有着多中心的功能活动承载特征;广州、肇庆等城市建设用地的承载强度则呈现出过度集中于城市中心区的特征。研究也发现,惠州大亚湾等经济技术开发区的各项活动强度均未有明显提高,建设用地的承载效率有待提高。




Abstract :In the process of urbanization, promoting carrying efficiency of construction land is a key issue for sustainable development of cities. This paper attempts to measure carrying efficiency of urban construction land through activity intensity of residence, industry and leisure in construction land by data mining. Taking the Pearl River Delta mega city region as an empirical case, this research selects enterprise data, online shopping data and Sina microblogging data with locational information as the basic data resource, and then tries to explore the carrying efficiency of the construction land in Pearl River Delta area. There are two parts. First is to evaluate the absolute density of different activities in the city. Through data mining and address analyzing, the research measures the density of different activities such as industry, living and leisure. On the basis of it, this paper formulates the comprehensive evaluation of construction land carrying efficiency through weighting calculation to the three types of bearing strength index. The result of the research shows that construction lands in cities like Shenzhen, Dongguan and Foshan indicate polycentric space structure while excessive mono-centric happens in Guangzhou and Zhaoqing. In addition, the study also finds that the strength of activities in Dayawan of Huizhou and other Technological Development Zone is not obviously improved yet and the construction land carrying efficiency there needs to be improved, which means that intensive land-use policy should be made for them.


Keywords:carrying efficiency, construction land, data mining, Pearl Rive r Delta Area


文章来源:《城乡规划》2017 NO.4



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