Rail Transit Impacts on Employment Spatial Structure in Shanghai Pudong New Area:
Based on Economic Census Data
王 燚 复旦大学环境科学与工程系博士研究生,上海复旦规划建筑设计研究院规划师, 注册城市规划师
摘 要:本文基于浦东新区第二次、第三次全国经济普查数据,利用GIS 空间分析法,研究轨道交通对周边一定辐射范围内就业空间结构的影响,通过分析两个时间截面间轨道交通沿线产业集聚变动的情况,同时结合轨道交通客流量数据,从产业人口布局的角度评估了轨道交通规划对产业的影响。结果表明半径1000m范围是轨道交通发挥空间集聚效应的重要分界线,轨道交通会促使批发和零售业、金融业、租赁和商务服务业等现代服务业在其沿线集聚,而制造业和建筑业则会被置换至较远的区域。轨道交通的规划布局符合城市发展的需求,有助于促进城市人口和产业的转移。
Abstract :Based on the second and third national economic census data of Pudong New Area, using GIS spatial analysis, this paper analyzes the rail transit impacts on the employment spatial structure in the surrounding radiation area, and the changes of industrial agglomeration along the rail transit. Combined with the passenger volume data of rail transit, from the perspective of industrial population layout, this paper further assesses the impact of planning rail transit on the industry. The results show that 1000m is an important dividing line for the agglomeration effect of rail transit. Rail transit will bring the modern service industry such as wholesale and retail trade, finance industry, leasing and business service industry to gather around the rail transit lines. Manufacturing and construction industry are displaced. The planning layout of rail transit is in line with the development needs and contributes to the promotion of population and industry transfer.
Keywords:economic census, rail transit, employment spatial structure, industrial agglomeration, GIS
文章来源:《城乡规划》2017 NO.3