The Experience and Innovation of the Master Plan of Mount Wudang Scenic and Historic Interest Area
韩 锋 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院景观学系主任、教授
杨 晨 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院景观学系助理教授(通讯作者)
摘 要:本文全面回顾了武当山风景名胜区总体规划的主要思路及创新成果。该规划引入国际化的文化景观理论及方法,突破武当山风景名胜区上一轮规划以文物古建保护为核心的视野,对武当山风景名胜区的自然风景资源、历史人文资源、社会经济基础、生态环境基础、世界文化遗产保护和监测、工程设施基础、游憩利用状况等方面作了全面的梳理和调查。通过对武当山人文自然遗产的创新认识,弥合了武当山因登录世界文化遗产而产生的自然遗产和文化遗产保护之间的裂痕,建立了中国风景名胜区规划的新思路。规划还重点探索了风景资源调查、资源分析评价、规划分区及社区参与的一系列创新方法和技术。武当山风景名胜区总体规划是一次既具有国际理论视野又扎根本土的风景区规划前沿探索,相关经验对中国风景区规划理论以及国际文化景观保护理论具有重要贡献,对中国风景遗产的保护和规划实践具有重要示范价值。
Abstract :This paper presents the experience and innovativeness of the Master Plan of Mount Wudang Scenic and Historic Interest Area. By applying cultural landscape theories and methods, the view focusing on historic buildings has been greatly expanded. The Master Plan has comprehensively explored many aspects of Mount Wudang, including natural landscape resources, historic landscape resources, social and economic context, environmental settings, World Heritage Sites conservation and monitoring, infrastructure, and tourism development. The cultural values and meanings of the natural environment of Mount Wudang have been identified and interpreted to narrow the gap between natural and cultural heritage conservation. Meanwhile, the Master Plan has explored some new methods for landscape resource investigation, assessment, zoning and stakeholder participation. This plan is an innovative exploration with global perspectives and a deep understanding of the local context. Its experiences and implications could make significant contribution to the Chinese scenic and historic interest area planning and the international cultural landscape conservation theories. The approach and methods also provide important demonstration for scenic area conservation and planning in China.
Keywords:Mount Wudang, World Heritage, cultural landscape, Scenic and Historic Interest Area, master plan
文章来源:《城乡规划》2018 NO.6