肖金华 福建省国土资源勘测规划院院长,高级工程师
摘 要:党的十九大报告提出乡村振兴战略,并要求巩固和完善农村基本经营制度,完善承包地“三权”分置制度,为农村土地制度改革指明了方向。本研究在总结乡村振兴面临的障碍的基础上,从现行农村土地制度方面,剖析导致这些障碍存在的深层次原因;结合晋江市试点①具体案例,分析农村土地制度改革在完善宅基地管理、土地征收方式、集体经营性建设用地如何入市等方面的内容,为全国其他地方开展农村土地制度改革提供借鉴。
Abstract :The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes the strategy of Rural Revitalization, which requires the improvement of a stable basic rural economic system and of a system of separating three rights of rural land ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights for the contracted land. It can be the guideline for rural land reform. Based on the summarization of obstacles facing rural revitalization, this paper analyzes the in-depth reasons in terms of current rural land system; combined with the pilot case in Jinjiang, it further analyzes more specific aspects in the reform such as improving the management of residential site, expropriating land and entering the market of the public operating construction land, which is expected to shed a light on rural land reform in other places of China.
Keywords:rural land system, reform, analysis, Jinjiang
文章来源:《城乡规划》2018 NO.6