潘裕娟 珠海市规划设计研究院规划分院副总工程师
潘泽瑞 珠海德威国际高中学生
黎映宇 吉林大学珠海学院客座教授,珠海市建设工程监理有限公司总工程师
摘 要:针对如何进一步挖掘南粤古驿道历史文化内涵,并将其融入到本体修复和活化利用中的问题,文章基于文化传承视角,提出了“丰富文化内涵、做好文化修复、构建文化网络、培育文化土壤、全面建章立制”南粤古驿道保护和利用的五方面策略。在此基础上,以珠海香山古驿道为案例,深入挖掘其文化内涵,并围绕上述策略分析总结了香山古驿道的保护修复与活化利用的实践经验。
Abstract :In view of how to further excavate the historical and cultural connotation of South China Historical Trail, and to integrate it into the repair and active utilization, this paper, from the perspective of cultural inheritance, puts forward the strategies for the conservation and utilization of South China Historical Trail from five aspects of cultural connotation, cultural restoration, cultural network, cultural soil and rules and regulations. On this basis, taking Zhuhai Xiangshan Historical Trail as an example, this paper explores the cultural connotation and analyzes the conservation and utilization of the Trail based on the above strategies.
Keywords:cultural inheritance, Historical Trail, conservation and utilization
文章来源:《城乡规划》2018 NO.5