唐凤玲 南京大学建筑与城市规划院硕士研究生
赵克进 全国市长研究学院助理研究员
朱喜钢 南京大学建筑与城市规划院教授,中国中产化研究中心主任
孙 洁 南京大学建筑与城市规划院博士,助理研究员
摘 要:进入21 世纪以后,中国城市的社会空间转型加快,逐渐呈现出愈加明显的社会空间分异现象。本文以南京威尼斯水城作为普通大型社区的代表,从空间和空间演变两个维度探讨了大都市郊区中产阶层的居住分异现象。结果显示:在空间维度,社区呈现出“邻里分隔、南北异质”现象,其主要原因是社区在建设过程中忽视了中产阶层内部的异质性,使社区从被动混合走向居住分化。在空间演变的维度,社区呈现出“富出穷进”的趋势,而中产阶层的再分化是居住过滤的主要动力。
Abstract :In the 21st century, social space of Chinese cities has been transformed rapidly, along with more obvious spatial differentiation among all social status. In this paper, Venice community is selected as a representative of the middle class living differentiation in suburb area of the metropolitan from the perspective of space and spatial evolution. The results show that in the dimension of space, the phenomenon of “neighborhood separation and northern-southern heterogeneity”can be found in the community, mainly owing to the mixed-income caused by the ignorance the heterogeneity of the middle class in the process of community construction. In the dimension of spatial evolution, the mega-community has shown a tendency of “the rich move out while the poor move in”. The redistribution of the middle class is the main force of living filtration.
Keywords:middle class, residential differentiation, the mega-community, social space
文章来源:《城乡规划》2018 NO.4