Walkable Cities in China: A Preliminary Study
孙贵博 香港大学建筑学院城市规划及设计系助理教授
何 捷 天津大学建筑学院风景园林系副教授
摘 要:鼓励步行的建成环境建设,成为健康城市构建的一个重要途径。本文阐述了城市步行行为研究的重要性;针对国内外步行城市规划的核心问题的研究进行了综述,即城市形态对步行行为的影响;分析了我国步行城市规划的逻辑和现有的实证研究;根据我国城市步行系统规划的社会宏观背景,围绕以下四个问题进行探讨并尝试性地给出结论和建议:为什么步行行为值得鼓励?西方城市良好步行环境的构成元素是什么?我国城市步行行为研究及步行系统规划进展如何?规划师作为城市建设的构建者应该如何作为?
Abstract :Walkability is a crucial aspect for a healthy city initiative. This paper reviewed the walkable city development in China, focusing on the built environment. It is found that walkability studies in China were mainly based on the walking for transport, with less concerns on walking for leisure. On the planning theories, it tried to differentiate the built environment and walking culture within Chinese context and accordingly provided implications for planners and practitioners.
Keywords:built environment, walkable cities, China’s cities
文章来源:《城乡规划》2018 NO.3