Key Agendas for Rural Revitalization Strategy and Rural Development Trends
张 立 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院副教授,中国城市规划学会小城镇规划学术委员会秘书长
摘 要:党的十九大提出“实施乡村振兴战略”,为我国乡村未来发展指明了方向。本文结合近几年的乡村调查研究工作,从城镇化趋势、区域差异、风貌维育、生态保护、文化传承、社区建设和规划管理等方面梳理了当下我国乡村振兴面临的现实矛盾,并在此基础上提出了未来我国乡村建设和发展的趋势以及乡村规划的转型应对。
Abstract :The report of 19th CPC National Congress puts forward rural revitalization strategy, which points out the orientation for China’s future rural development. This paper, based on the rural field works in recent years, summarizes the key agendas facing China from the aspects of urbanization trend, regional disparities, landscape preservation, ecoprotection, cultural heritage, community construction, planning and governance, etc. Then, rural development trends and rural planning’s transformation are put forward.
Keywords:rural revitalization, rural regeneration, rural planning, rural transformation
文章来源:《城乡规划》2018 NO.1