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Holistic Governance of Territorial Spatial Planning and Construction Path of Smart Planning



王  伟 中央财经大学政府管理学院城市管理系系主任、副教授


摘要 2018 年 3 月,自然资源部组建,中国空间规划体系迎来重大变革,国家空间规划进入一个全新的整体性治理发展阶段。研究以整体性治理理论为指导,提出新时期我国国土空间治理的范式转型与关键议题,进而深入分析数据赋能国土空间治理的现实需求,并提出智慧国土空间规划的“Z”形建构路径,包括上线—打通全流程闭环赋能;下线—厘清智慧规划现实基础与困境;阶梯线—建设“八库”支撑的智慧规划治理全链条,进而打造高质量的智慧规划平台。


关键词  国土空间规划,整体性治理,智慧规划,路径


Abstract  In March 2018, the Ministry of Natural Resources was established. The space planning system of China has undergone major changes, and the national spatial planning has entered a new stage of holistic governance development. Guided by the theory of holistic governance, this paper proposes the paradigm shift and key issues of territorial spatial governance in the new era, and then deeply analyzes the actual needs of data-enhanced territorial spatial governance. Finally, it proposes the construction path of smart planning, including closed-line empowerment of the whole process, clarifying the realistic basis and dilemma of smart planning, building eight steps to support the whole chain of intelligent planning and governance, and further creating a high-quality intelligent planning platform.


Keywords  territorial spatial planning, holistic governance, smart planning, path


文章来源:《城乡规划》2019 NO.6



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