Making Sustainable Cities: An Analysis of the Nordic Solutions
刘春荣 复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院副教授,哥本哈根大学复旦-欧洲中国研究中心执行副主任、研究员
摘要 在可持续发展的实践中,北欧地区的成就举世瞩目。基于北欧的发展经验,本文侧重从三个宏观维度来呈现城市生态转型的塑造力量,这包括平衡新自由主义与可持续发展议程的空间想象、对社会政策与环境政策的有机协同以及有效的多边区域合作。我们进一步指出,普适性的社会保护和强调公共参与的社会民主主义福利国家传统,为城市的可持续发展提供了规范性的支撑。北欧方案也为新时代中国生态文明的建设与发展提供了有益的借鉴和参考。
关键词 可持续发展,生态创新,福利国家
Abstract The Nordic region has won international acclaim for its sustainable development. Going beyond the technological aspect of ecological innovation, this paper scrutinizes three structural forces of the Nordic green transformation: creative re-imagination of urban space by balancing neoliberalism with sustainable development, organic policy synergy between social protection and environmental justice, and effective multilateral coordination to share the Nordic solutions. It is further suggested that the Nordic welfare state tradition, with its shared value of social solidarity and attachment to public realm, plays a normative role in the making of sustainable city. These processes are the key to understand dynamics of sustainable cities in the Nordic context and would inspire the development of China’s ecological civilisation in the new era.
Keywords sustainability, eco-innovation, welfare state
文章来源:《城乡规划》2019 NO.4