Study on Renewal Strategies of Historic Scenic Areas of Ancient Cities under the Background of City Betterment and Ecological Restoration: A Case Study of Fuxingfang District in Kaifeng
张凯 开封市规划勘测设计研究院中级工程师
王亚昆 开封市规划勘测设计研究院助理工程师
赵博 开封市规划勘测设计研究院高级工程师
摘要 开封作为八朝古都,明城墙范围内分布着大量的历史建筑及文化遗迹,形成了多个历史风貌区,然而随着时代的进步、社会的发展,这些历史风貌区逐渐没落,出现了建筑破败、环境恶化、基础设施不足等问题,凸显出保护与发展,现代与传统等多个发展所面临的矛盾。本文在“城市双修”政策的指导下,以开封市复兴坊街区提质工程规划为例,从空间结构更新、绿化景观完善、道路交通更新及建筑更新整治等方面,探讨古城历史风貌区更新策略,以期使没落的历史风貌区重新焕发活力。
关键词 城市双修 ,历史城市,历史风貌区,更新策略
Abstract As an ancient capital of the Eight Dynasties, Kaifeng has a large number of historic buildings and cultural relics distributed within the walls of the Ming Dynasty, forming many historic areas. However, with the progress of the times and social development, these historic areas have gradually declined, resulting in the problems of dilapidation of buildings, deterioration of the environment and inadequate infrastructure, highlighting the contradictions between protection and development, modernization and tradition. Under the guidance of the policy of "City Betterment and Ecological Restoration" and taking the improvement planning of Fuxingfang District in Kaifeng as an example, this paper discusses the renewal strategy of the historic scenic area of the ancient city from the aspects of space structure renewal, greening landscape improvement, road traffic renewal and building renovation, with a view to revitalizing the declining historic scenic area.
Keywords City Betterment and Ecological Restoration, historic city, historic area, update strategy
来源:《城乡规划》2019 NO.3