Practice and Reflections of Defining Chongqing’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB)
何波 重庆市规划设计研究院副总工程师,正高级工程师
钱紫华 重庆市规划设计研究院规划创新中心主任,正高级工程师(通讯作者)
摘要 城镇开发边界的划定,已成为重庆市 2035 年国土空间规划编制工作的重要前置环节。针对城镇开发边界划定,重庆市已通过过往的“法定城乡规划全覆盖”、永久基本农田和生态保护红线划定、“多规合一”以及城乡总体规划实施评估工作,打下了良好的基础。在梳理相关规划工作的基础上,采用改进的 FLUS 模型,模拟生态约束条件下的城镇空间增长趋势,初步尝试划定了重庆市域的城镇开发边界。现行的划定方案尚存在一些不足,现状政策分区对国土空间过多限制,后续方案深化则还需要进一步开展“市区联动、双向统筹”。在现行方案的基础上,后续实施性方案需要继续强化“三线”划定之间的内部协调,并以此建立适合重庆市扁平化行政体系的“三线”管控体系。
关键词 城镇开发边界,国土空间规划,重庆市
Abstract Before launching Chongqing 2035 of land spatial planning, a series of planning and research have been completed for defining Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), such as full coverage of statutory urban and rural planning, defining permanent basic farmland and ecological red line, “multiple plan integration” and implementation assessment of urban-rural master plan. Based on these planning and research, the UGB of Chongqing was defined by adopting the improved FLUS model and simulation of urban spatial growth. The current planning of Chongqing’s UGB has some weak points. On one hand, policy zonings made too many limitations on Chongqing’s land space. On the other, greater co-ordination among municipal government and governments of districts and counties are required. The defining of Three Lines, UGB, permanent basic farmland and ecological red line, should be coordinated completely on the basis of current schemes. The Three Lines Management System of Chongqing should be established for Chongqing's flat administrative system.
Keywords Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), land spatial planning, Chongqing
来源:《城乡规划》2019 NO.3