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省域视角下城乡空间特色塑造方法探索— 以《江苏省城乡空间特色战略规划》为例

Exploration on the Method of Building Urban and Rural Spatial Characteristics from the Perspective of Provincial Level: A Case Study on “Strategic Planning for Urban and Rural Spatial Characteristics of Jiangsu”



周岚  江苏省住房和城乡建设厅厅长,研究员级高级规划师

张鑑  江苏省城市规划研究会理事长,研究员级高级规划师


摘要  城乡特色危机是全球各国共同关注的重点议题,经历了四十余年快速城镇化,我国城乡空间特色也在逐渐消弭。近年来,我国政府多次提出了对城乡特色保护的新要求,学界对其研究的重点也发生了较大转变,具体表现在从物质空间保护延伸到空间文化内涵挖掘、从小尺度空间拓展到宏观尺度的城乡空间以及从底线特色保护提升为主动引导塑造。在此背景下,江苏省陆续开展了专题研究、规划实践工作,对城乡空间特色塑造进行了多类型、多层次探索。本文以《江苏省城乡空间特色战略规划》为案例支撑,在深入分析省域资源禀赋基础上,从省域层面提出了“一个核心、两个整合,一个体系、三大行动”的城乡空间特色塑造框架,并从资源价值识别、特色管控体系、规划有效传导等方面提出了较为系统、易操作的规划策略。


关键词  省域空间特色,特色管控体系,实施传导机制,特色发展


Abstract  The crisis of urban and rural characteristics is one of the key issues of common concern around the world. After more than 40 years of rapid urbanization, the spatial characteristics of urban and rural areas in China are gradually disappearing. In recent years, our government has put forward many new requirements for the protection of urban and rural characteristics, and the focus of academic research has also changed greatly, which is embodied in the extension from material space protection to spatial cultural connotation mining, from small-scale to macro-scale urban and rural space, and from the protection of bottom-line to the promotion of guidance and building. In this context, Jiangsu has carried out thematic research and planning practice, and explored the shaping of urban and rural spatial characteristics in many types and on different levels. Based on the case study of “Strategic Planning for Urban and Rural Spatial Characteristics of Jiangsu”, this paper puts forward a framework for building urban and rural spatial characteristics from the perspective of provincial level, which is "one core, two integrations, one system and three actions", and proposes more systematic and easy-to-operate planning strategies from the aspects of resource value identification, characteristic management and control system, effective transmission of planning.


Keywords  spatial characteristics on the provincial level, characteristic management and control system, implementing conduction mechanism, characteristic development


来源:《城乡规划》2019 NO.2



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