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Study on Planning Method and Control Index of Shanghai Sponge City



郭羽  上海市城市规划设计研究院市政分院高级工程师


摘要  为了推进上海市海绵城市的发展,通过规划合理指导海绵城市建设,须制定适应上海特征的海绵城市规划方法和控制指标。本文通过分析上海市海绵城市建设的基本条件、现有城乡规划体系等,提出以年径流总量控制目标为核心,逐级实现目标分解和控制指标确定的方法体系;提出以控制性详细规划编制单元为详细规划层面海绵城市规划的基本单元,通过单元目标和地块指标两级控制的量化控制方法。研究提出的规划方法和体系体现了规划的统筹性和导向性,更突出了量化控制的特点,便于后续对海绵城市建设进行控制与引导,为上海市海绵城市规划编制及实施管理提供了参考。


关键词  海绵城市,规划控制指标,上海


Abstract  To promote the construction and development of Shanghai sponge city through planning and reasonable guidance, it is necessary to formulate sponge city planning methods and control index to adapt to Shanghai characteristics. By analyzing the geographical and hydrological background of Shanghai, and comprehending the existed urban planning system, an annual rainfall volume capture target-based planning system is presented in this paper, which contains the approaches of target decomposition and index formulation. In this planning system, each area in the sponge city planning is considered as regulatory detailed planning unit. The target of volume capture ratio of annual rainfall of each unit should be transformed to the potential quantity of runoff control and allocated to each drainage area (may be a property, a part of a road or Greenland). The index of potential quantity of runoff control of each drainage area is the main production of this research for formulating the quantitative plan. The planning methods and system presented in this paper indicate the unitary and orientation, and highlight the quantitative control method, which could help to manage and guide the subsequent construction as well as provide a reference for the preparation and implementation management of Shanghai sponge city planning.


Keywords  sponge city, planning method and control index, Shanghai


来源:《城乡规划》2019 NO.2



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