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Urban Construction Based on Local Resources: On the Ceramic Industry in the Changes of Urban Space in Jingdezhen



刘启寰  复旦大学文物与博物馆学系博士研究生

朱顺龙  复旦大学文物与博物馆学系教授


摘要  城市作为特定的场域,其空间格局的形成受到政治、文化等多种因素的影响。其中,产业经济因素所起的作用不容小觑,这也是中国古代众多城市兴衰的根本原因之一。纵观景德镇城市发展的历程,其城市空间是在宋元陶瓷产业空间从农村中分离出来后形成的产业城市。可以毫不夸张地说,陶瓷手工业伴随着景德镇发展的每一个重要历史节点,作为中国千年瓷都,景德镇的城市空间变迁一直是以陶瓷产业的发展和变化为前提的,也因此形成了该地域不同时期富有特色的空间特征。剖析这一基本现象,不仅可以科学合理地保护当下中国城市的历史文脉和内在基因,也可以为城市的持续发展和战略定位提供重要的借鉴价值。


关键词  景德镇,陶瓷产业,城市空间


Abstract  As a specific field, the formation of urban spatial pattern is influenced by many factors, such as politics, culture and so on. Among them, the role of industrial economic factors can not be underestimated, which is also one of the basic reasons for the rise and fall of many ancient cities in China. Throughout the development process of Jingdezhen city, it is an industrial city formed by separating the ceramic industry space from the countryside in Song and Yuan Dynasties. It is no exaggeration to say that the ceramic handicraft industry has accompanied every important historical node of Jingdezhen's development. As China's Millennium Porcelain Capital, the change of Jingdezhen's urban space has always been premised on the development and change of the ceramic industry, which has formed the distinctive spatial characteristics of the region in different periods. Analyzing this basic phenomenon can not only protect the historical context and internal genes of Chinese cities scientifically and rationally, but also provide important reference for the sustainable development and strategic positioning of cities.


Keywords  Jingdezhen, the ceramic industry, urban space


来源:《城乡规划》2019  NO.1



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