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Research on International Trade Ports and the Regional Industrial Development of Japan



沈振江  福州大学建筑学院—金泽大学国际联合实验室主任

张雅敬  日本金泽大学环境设计学院博士研究生


摘要  在以全球化国际分工为基础的高效率生产活动不断发展的背景下,日本政府为了避免与邻近的亚洲港口的直接竞争,长期以来持续在港湾的建设上探索新的可能。以国际物流支持日本的原材料进口与生产,并将之延伸为国内市场生产的供应链,充分利用国内的生产技术和现有的生产资源,借助政策引导等方式,形成与港湾紧密连接的产业链,最终通过港口贸易完成产品的对外出口。同时积极促进港口地区的产业发展,针对性地提升港口城市的建设水平,发挥港口城市对区域产业和国内经济发展的推动作用。本文着眼于日本国土规划中的港口建设,通过认识和梳理其发展过程,总结经验,为我国沿海地区经济发展和国土空间规划提供一定的借鉴。


关键词  国际物流,港口城市,产业发展,港口建设


Abstract  With the development of high-efficiency production activities based on the global division of labor, Japanese government has been exploring new possibilities in harbor construction to avoid direct competition with Asian ports nearby. The import and production of raw materials in Japan, which are supported by international trade logistics, have been expanded to the supply chain for production in the domestic market. With the policies promulgated by Japanese government, domestic production technology and existing production resources begin to participate in the industrial chain which is linked to the harbor. At the same time, the industrial development and the construction of the port area have been promoted. This paper focuses on the construction of port areas in Japan's national land planning. By deliberating on Japanese development process and experience, it provides some reference for the economic development and spatial planning of China's coastal areas.


Keywords  international trade logistics, harbor city, industrial development, harbor constructing


来源:《城乡规划》2019  NO.1



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