Investigation into the Rural Revitalization Strategy Based on the Theory of Cultural Capital: A Case Study of Beizhai Village, Yinan County of Shandong
虞大鹏 中央美术学院教授,中央美术学院建筑学院城市设计与规划系系主任,中国城市规划学会乡村规划与建设学术委员会委员,中国城市科学研究会城市治理专业委员会委员 ( 通讯作者 )
纪晓嵩 中央美术学院建筑学院研究生
摘要 乡村文明、乡村文化在乡村建设中的重要性毋庸置疑。在挖掘乡村文化特征、以文化发展带动乡村振兴的同时,如何做到尊重乡土、实现特色复兴,以避免乡村面貌的趋同,是当下我国乡村振兴过程中需要面对的共同议题。沂南北寨村拥有丰厚的历史文化资源,本文从文化资本出发,对北寨乡村资源进行挖掘和整理,通过构建文化资本生产空间的方式对文化资源进行转化;并从乡村景观塑造、传统文化体验、休闲场所营建三个角度探究乡村振兴的新途径。
关键词 乡村文化,文化资本,乡村振兴
Abstract The importance of rural civilization and rural culture in the construction of rural areas has been widely recognized. How to pay respect to the rural and achieve revival without making all the rural areas identical have been questions to be answered in rural revitalization. The Beizhai Village in Yinan County is known for its rich historical and cultural resources. This paper investigates the rural resources of Beizhai Village from the perspective of cultural capitals, and seeks to renovate its cultural resources by constructing the space of cultural and capital production. It attempts to explore some new measures of rural revitalization from three aspects including the reshaping of rural landscape, the experience of traditional culture and the construction of recreational space.
Keywords rural culture, cultural capital, rural revitalization
来源:《城乡规划》2020 NO.6