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The Natural System of Chinese Cities



王向荣 北京林业大学园林学院教授、院长


摘要  健康、宜居、环境优美的城市一定具有结构完整、内外贯通、功能复合的自然系统。在农耕文明土地利用方式的基础上,中国古代城市建立了独特的自然系统,并实现了这一系统的风景化。中国现代城市不仅应该基于现代科学技术学习他人的经验,而且应该从中国国土的地理环境和气候条件出发,建立自然系统,作为城市的生态基础设施,并将其转变为城市内外的风景,从而创造出安全健康、舒适宜人、富有特色、充满文化底蕴和诗情画意的中国城市。


关键词 自然系统,国土景观,农业,水利,城市,生态,风景


Abstract A healthy and livable city with a beautiful environment must have a natural system with a complete structure and a function of connecting inside and outside. On the basis of the land use mode of agricultural civilization, ancient Chinese cities established a unique natural system and realized the landscape optimization of this system. Modern cities in China should not only learn from others on the basis of modern science and technology, but also establish natural systems considering the geographical environment and climatic conditions in China, taking the natural systems as cities` ecological infrastructure and transforming them into the landscape inside and outside the cities, so as to create safe, healthy, comfortable and pleasant cities full of cultural heritage and poetic beauty of China.


Keywords natural system, territorial landscape, agriculture, water conservancy, city, ecology, landscape


来源:《城乡规划》2020 NO.5



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