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From "National Heritage Park" to "National Cultural Park": Reflections on the Guidelines for the Declaration of Liangzhu National Cultural Park



王国平 原中共浙江省委常委,杭州市委书记,杭州城市学研究理事会理事长,浙江省首批新型重点专业智库浙江省城市治理研究中心主任、首席专家,杭州城市学研究会学术委员会主任,浙江大学兼职教授、兼职博士生导师,中央美术学院客座教授、客座博士生导师


摘要  良渚遗址的“申遗”成功并不是对遗产保护的“一锤定音”,只是向实现良渚遗址保护目标迈出的一大步,这对良渚遗址的保护、传承和利用提出了更高的要求。本文在国家文化公园建设的背景下,分析了良渚遗址申报国家文化公园的条件,创建国家文化公园的理念、思路以及面临的困难和挑战等,并相应地提出了建设良渚国家文化公园的举措。作为已列入世界遗产名录的遗产,后“申遗” 时代的良渚遗址,亟待按照国家文化公园的标准,进入更高层次的“国家性”保护、传承和利用阶段;要推动良渚遗址成为带动经济转型发展的新增长级,进一步发挥文化遗产增强文化自信、增进文化自觉的积极作用,进而使得良渚遗址真正实现从“国家遗址公园”向“国家文化公园”转变的新突破。


关键词  良渚,国家文化公园,积极保护


Abstract  The success of Archeological Ruins of Liangzhu City`s application for UNESCO World Heritage is not a “one-shot” measure for heritage protection but one giant leap for achieving the goal of preserving Archeological Ruins of Liangzhu City. This has also put forward higher requirements for conserving, passing and utilizing Archeological Ruins of Liangzhu City. In the light of constructing national cultural park, this paper analyses the acceptance requirements, creation vision and ideas, and hardships and challenges of national cultural national park. In addition, the corresponding construction measures have been put forward. As a World Heritage site and a legacy of the post-world Heritage Application era, Archeological Ruins of Liangzhu City is in urgent need to be protected, inherited and utilized at a higher level according to national standards. It is of great significance to promote Archeological Ruins of Liangzhu City to become the new growth pole so as to drive economic transformation and development. Meanwhile, the positive role of cultural heritage in enhancing cultural confidence and cultural consciousness should be further brought into play, so as to make Archeological Ruins of Liangzhu City realize the new breakthrough in the transformation from national heritage park to national cultural park.


Keywords  Archeological Ruins of Liangzhu City, national heritage park, active protection


来源:《城乡规划》2020 NO.4



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