Study of Land Use Control Mode and Key Points of Village Planning Based on Detailed Planning Positioning
程茂吉 南京市规划设计研究院有限责任公司院长,研究员级高级规划师
摘要 国土空间规划体系下的村庄规划,定位为详细规划。相较于以往的村庄规划,土地用途管制最核心的变革就是管控对象由偏重村庄居民点扩展到整个村域。村域土地用途规划要综合上位规划和相关规划的要求,明确村域各类用地的用途和布局。村域土地用途管制应采取区域管控和用途管控相结合、片区通则管控和地块图则管控相结合、确定性管控和弹性留白管控相结合的方式;管控重点应在总体体现乡村地区大尺度大地景观特征的基础上,针对不同地区、不同类型的村庄有所差别,从而提高村庄规划管控的实用性和针对性。
关键词 村庄规划;详细规划;用途管制
Abstract The village planning under the new land spatial planning system is positioned as detailed planning. Compared with the previous village planning, the core change of land use control is that the control object is expanded from focusing on village settlements to the whole village area. The village land use planning should integrate the requirements of superior planning and related planning, and clarify the use and layout of various types of land in the village. The village land use control method should adopt the combination of regional control and use control, the combination of district general rule control and plot plan control, and the combination of deterministic control and flexible blank control; The focus of management and control should be based on the overall characteristics of large-scale land landscape in rural areas, aiming at different areas and different types of villages, so as to improve the practicability and pertinence of village planning and control.
Keywords village planning; detailed planning; use control
来源:《城乡规划》2021 NO.6