A Comparative Study on the Management and Control Mode of Refined Urban Design
卫建彬 广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院高级工程师
黄志亮 星河华南更新集团工程师(通讯作者)
林伊鸿 广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院工程师
孟庆林 华南理工大学建筑学院二级教授
摘要 如何通过精细化的城市设计管控提升城市品质,是当前我国城市发展 “下半场”建设面临的普遍问题。本文从城市设计的形态指引、审核准则、管控规程三个方面对国内外典型城市进行比较研究,提出通过《城市设计通则指引》引导城市空间形态设计,通过《城市设计标准与准则》规范城市设计内容审核,通过《城市设计管控规程》协调开发管理利害关系,这种整体、统筹、持续的精细化城市设计管控体系,使得城市设计更具由大到小、由控到建的穿透性,从而保障城市设计场景的还原度。同时结合我国现行规划体系构建理想的管控模式,对《指引》《准则》《规程》的技术路线提出优化建议。
关键词 精细化;城市设计;管控模式;比较研究
Abstract How to improve the quality of cities through refined urban design management and control is a common problem facing our country's urban second half construction. This paper makes a comparative study of typical cities at home and abroad from the three aspects of urban design guidelines, audit criteria, and management and control procedures; it is proposed that the Guidelines should be used to guide the urban spatial design, the Standards to regulate the review of urban design content, and the Regulations to coordinate development. Meanwhile, combine with our country's current planning system to construct an ideal management and control model, and to propose optimization suggestions for the technical routes of the Guidelines, Standards, and Regulations.
Keywords refinement; urban design; management and control mode; comparative study
来源:《城乡规划》2022 NO.1